Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Dani's prime cut short list

    1. What time frame am I looking at? a year since Dani deemed it so!
    2. What does your current schedule/life style look like? I have a 40 hours a week job. I also have a few goals that take up some free time (training for a 5k run, Internet dating *grumble* and helping out my friend with her brand new twins) 
    3. How important is writing to you currently? Important enough to want to write and to make it a daily habit. Not so important that it's at the top of my list.
    4. Where are you as a writer? I'm coming out of retirement. As a child, teenager, and college student, I wrote. I wrote many papers, but I also wrote poetry in the margins of my theory books and took the occasional C.W. since then I've been off and on with writing nights with a few friends and attempted a couple of NaNoWriMos but nothing really has come from any of those prompts/attempts. I'm looking for a chance to really dig in and get something done with my writing.
    5. What goals will better you as a writer? Ugh. improving grammar and spelling and being more mindful would be beneficial. I also really need to back up my work (the computer is old and is having issues multi-tasking--- or really single tasking). And it would be nice to have everything on the computer so I don't have to go through 20 note books just to find a couple of sentences I've been obsessing about.
    6. What goals are most important to you? Finishing one of the novels and keeping up with the blog (since I have other people counting on me).

Fatty List

  • set aside two hours a week to write (20 minutes. a day)
  • finish a rough draft on past NaNoWriMo projects
    • 1st Impressions <-- I want to focus on one novel and of the two, I like Thecla better
    • The Thecla Series
  • complete the word total of a NaNoWriMo in the allocated time (but I would be happy to beat my word count from the last two years/ go to an event/ donate to the NaNoWriMo)<-- It's important to me to donate and support causes I believe in. I don't think I can do a NaNoWriMo this year (between the blog and rough draft of a novel)
  • back up all writing material on flash drives (and organize)
  • Type up all hand written notes and stories (maybe 1 hr. a week?)
  • Attend 2 conference/classes about writing
  • do a publishing pitch
  • Enter a contest and/or submit short piece to a journal
  • Once polishing-- recheck out Writing Clinic and apply the practice.
  • write a writing guide-- focused on writer's block and continuing the story.
  • Fill up one notebook (because I have the bad habit of starting a journal and then buying a new one and writing in that one.)
  • Screen play for 20 Years Later 
  • write short story on the brothers
  • have a good prompt list
  • daily journal, dream journal, BLOG<-- weekly
  • Go to a reading and/or open mic
  • perform at a reading or open mic
  • create an online writing group
    • good prompt list
    • blog weekly (and more)
    • create a 'current life's truths' list as a prompt
    • write writing articles for the blog
    • regularly keep in touch with writing friends through the blog
  • create a current life's truths list
  • create a perfect cover letter
  • write a short story on Labecca's china story
  • Read and practice The Artist Journey
  • Regularly keep in touch with writing friends. have writing night once a week and make it a priority!
  • improve my spelling, grammar, and vocabulary. And be more focused when writing emails (I tend to switch out words like 'think' with 'like' and 'should' with 'show')<-- not sure how to measure this to make it a real goal.

Short List (From most important to least important)

  • back up all writing material on flash drives (and organize)
  • set aside two hours a week to write (20 mins. a day)
  • create an online writing group (30 minutes a day)
    • good prompt list
    • blog weekly (and more)
    • create a 'current life's truths' list as a prompt
    • write writing articles for the blog
    • regularly keep in touch with writing friends through the blog
  • finish a rough draft on past NaNoWriMo project book one of The Thecla Series
  • Type up all hand written notes and stories (maybe 1 hr. a week?)
  • Attend 2 conference/classes about writing
  • write a short story on Labecca's china story
  • donate to the NaNoWriMo
  • Participate in a contest and/or get a short piece published in a journal
  • Fill up one notebook <-- I kept this one, because I'm almost there on one and I want to cross something off my list :)

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