Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Camp National Novel Writer's Month.

It's that time again! Nanowrimo is doing another Camp Nanowrimo for the month of July. I have already signed up and am excited to get started. It's strange, I kind of want to start ahead of time but that wouldn't really count toward the word count for the month of July. Besides, I still have to get all my notes in order so I can attack July with a fury! Rawr!

So, who is going to join me? 


  1. I signed up but I didn't request a cabin - that's because I don't really like to interact with people while doing NaNo in any form.

    Now I have to figure out if I want to do original, like I had planned, or add to a half finished book. I took a look at the book and started getting ideas on where to take it.

    1. That's really cool! I'm not sure what I am going to do. I have a couple of ideas.
