Saturday, September 15, 2012

A treat from a favorite author and marketing ideas

Not too long ago I saw on facebook that one of my favorite authors, Katie MacAlister, was having a contest. It seemed that she had too many of her books lying around her house and she wanted to give them away to her readers. There were rules of course. If you entered the contest you had to also list the name of a friend and you couldn't pick which book you received, it would be at random! And she was going to pick winners at random.

Well, I said 'What the heck, why not', and sent all the necessary information plus the name of a friend who I thought might like a book. I don't exactly have the best of luck so I figured I probably wouldn't win. Then just the other day when Skoora and I were on our way to run some errands I got a package in the mail! It was two books, both the same, both signed by Katie MacAlister, one for me and one for my friend! I think Skoora was a bit more vocal with her excitement than I was but I think that was due to my shock.

Not only is this a really awesome surprise that made my day but it's also kind of a good way for Katie MacAlister to market herself now that I think about it. She's already got a pretty loyal fan base and what a neat idea on how to expand it by having her fans spread her books to their friends in such a special way. I really think this was a good move for her especially since she's got a new series coming out next year.

So maybe we, as aspiring authors and writers, should look at how some of our favorite authors market themselves. I know some do freebies they send out (book plates, book marks, silly and fun tattoos), some have a small selection of merchandise, stuff on cafe press, do books signings, go to conventions, and even do something as simple as answering reader e-mails even if it takes them awhile. And many have websites, do pod casts, and make book videos.

Check it out, see what people are doing.


  1. I was very thrilled! And yes I think this is a marvelous idea for marketing.

  2. Throwing a contest like that is really a good marketing idea. It's a good way to show your appreciation your loyal readers, and also get new ones in the process. Besides, it feels very heartwarming when your readers are pretty engrossed and absorbed with your works. All the best!

    Karla Walker @ Streetsmart Marketing
